It`s a Dog`s life

My sleeping `Angels`.

A dog`s life here is to be envied I can tell you. They sleep happily while painting, writing etc is going on, but as soon as I move ..... they`re on the move too. Come on chaps, we`re goin` walkies!
Only a few months ago Dear Maggie  over there, left us, she was over  14 years old.
. I now have Quinn 7, Sophie 10 and her daughter Jazz 8.

They are my walking companions and enjoy mooching about in the forest and fields.

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February Forest Walk.

The day is supposed to improve as the hours pass so off we went to the woods this morning. It`s quite amazing how things have grown since last week even. There are buds beginning to open on the trees and the conifers greenery is much thicker, a beautiful soft lime green. Spring is only round the corner - isn`t that a heart-warming thought!
I can never understand why more people don`t get out and enjoy all this freedom and tranquility - I meet so few people here, just a lonely dog walker or two.

The dogs had fun sniffing and mooching around the trees and rhododendron bushes - but it doesn`t seem to be the place for bunnies - I`ve told them that  - but they haven`t realised it yet. They soon disappear should they get the scent of a deer though.

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