Saturday, 12 January 2013

Local views

As can be seen in the photo the open skies out over the sea are really beautiful at times. The first thing I look at every morning when pulling back the curtains is the sky!  It seems to set the mood for the day especailly a solid grey one!
Looking through sky pictures reminded me of a song we sang at school `once upon a time`.

                                                                   After the sun the rain,
After the rain the sun;
This is the way of life
`Til the work be done.

These two photos from my `to paint` portfolio,
are of Herbury island, part of the Fleet Lagoon shoreline.
 It`s not really an island but at very high tides
becomes one.

It`s such a beautiful area and makes one feel so
priviledged to be able to go and
enjoy it whenever the spirit moves.

And aren`t they both worth painting?
Click on them for a larger view.


Moments of inspiration

Just about anywhere in Dorset gives an artist the buzz which sets you yearning for the paint brushes.
When walking in forest, fields and beaches - you see we have everything in Dorset - often one comes upon a view or moment of magical light or sheer beauty which stops you in your tracks.
One such moment happened a couple of days ago when walking in the fields along the Fleet shoreline and looking towards Portland.
It was one of those typical winter dull grey misty days, when suddenly a streak of invisable sunlight, not seen until it touched the water, set vivid sparkling stars dancing in a small area on the dark grey sea.  It was mesmerising, a beautiful sight and a reminder that even on the darkest days, the sun is still there!  And I didn`t have my camera!

View from  Sea Barn,Fleet
Two more from my `pictures to paint` portfolio.Living in an area like this one doesn`t need to walk very far for inspiration and ideas.

Spring In Egdon  Forest
The forty shades of green are just amazing at any time of year - but the soft lime greens of early Spring are something so special.